Welcome Back!

Welcome back to term 2! This term all the classes will be learning about Earth & Space Sciences. We will be learning many different things about our Earth, its natural resources and how is changes over time. Some of the classes will be learning about space and how Earth fits into the solar system. Here are the topics the different years will be studying:


IMG_0465Year 1

Up, Down and All Around – observable changes in our landscape and the sky.




Year 2

Water Works! – all about Earth’s most important resource, water.



day_nightYear 3

Day and Night – how the movement of the Sun, Earth & Moon cause day and night




a-natural-bridge-albany-1Year 4

Beneath Our Feet – what is soil made up of and how does erosion change the Earth’s surface over time.


solar-system-670x440-130502Year 5

Our Place in Space – distances from the sun, moon and other planets. How the orbit of the Sun influences the seasons. Making comparisons between Earth and other planets in our solar system.


Earthquake-HD-WallpapersYear 6

Earthquake Explorers! – how sudden geological changes, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, can affect the Earth’s surface.