Freeze It!

This term the year three classes have been learn about the properties of solids and liquids. We have also been learning about how heating or cooling down solids and liquids can make them change.


We investigated and described the properties of different solids and liquids at different temperatures. First we described them at room temperature in their natural state and decided whether they were solids or liquids. Then, we put them out in the sun for a while to heat up and investigated them again to see how they changed when warmed. Finally, we put the same items in the fridge to see how they changed when cooled. 



We also set up an investigation to find out if all liquids freeze at the same speed or even freeze at all. We put samples of eight different liquids into ice cube trays and checked them every tens minutes to time how long they took to freeze completely.


liquids before

freezing after


We found out that not all liquids freeze!

Honey, hand sanitiser, salt water and oil do not freeze. We also found out that depending on what they are made up of, liquids take different amounts of time to freeze. The graph below shows the results of our freezing investigation.



7 thoughts on “Freeze It!

  1. We enjoyed learning what liquids freeze and don’t freeze. We learnt milk froze the fasted and salt water and oil didn’t freeze. We also learnt that vinegar took the longest to freeze. The water was the second fastest to freeze and the dish soap the third fastest.

  2. We liked when we got to know that all liquids don’t freeze. The honey and salt water didn’t freeze.

  3. We had to freeze things. It was fun. I got a surprise that the honey didn’t freeze.

  4. We liked warming the things and seeing Ciara and Shannaee’s investigation because the chocolate melted into a liquid and it was all gooey.

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